Dr. Nassim Rouhani
Dr. Nassim Rouhani is a consultant pediatrician who provides virtual care consultations for children and adolescents aged 0 to 17 years by referral for pediatric concerns like ADHD, electronics addiction, constipation, eczema, etc. ā If seeking a formal diagnosis of ADHD for documentation purposes, a formal psychoeducational assessment is your next step. This can be obtained via your child's school board (if applicable) or can be sought and paid for privately.ā To request a consultation, please speak with your Primary Care Provider.
Virtual Appointment Request
*** The office will be CLOSED from March 17th-March 28th ***
Requests will not be responded to during this time.
Please contact your Primacy Care Provider for all concerns. For emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or proceed to your nearest Emergency Department.
Appointment required to address all questions/concerns.
Initial Virtual Consultations
Guardian(s) and child must be in one location within Ontario, connected to the Zoom platform with a working audio and webcam at least 10 minutes prior to appointment time. Failure to join the zoom platform by the appointment time will result in the Referring Physician being notified of the missed appointment and file closure. The desktop application (APP) for Zoom can be downloaded for free and/or updated to the latest version at: https://zoom.us/download.
At least 3 business days' notice is required for a request to reschedule or cancel this lengthy virtual appointment (submitted at rouhani.ca) to avoid a $150 fee (payable via e-transfer).
Follow up Virtual Visits
Virtual Appointments: Guardian(s) and child must be in one location, connected to the zoom platform with a working audio and webcam at least 10 minutes prior to start time. Failure to join the zoom platform by the booked start time will result in a missed appointment - subject to a fee.
At least 2 business days' notice is required for requests to reschedule or cancel virtual appointments (submitted at rouhani.ca) to avoid a fee (payable via e-transfer) starting at $50 and increasing in proportion to appointment length.
Questions/concerns will be discussed during scheduled visits. Submit a new appointment request at rouhani.ca to address all matters. If an appointment has previously been scheduled, an additional appointment may be booked. Medications will not be renewed without an appointment.
Contacting the Clinic
All requests requiring an action/response must be submitted at rouhani.ca. Email is used for administrative purposes only. Personal/health information should not be emailed. Emails will not be directed to the Physician's attention. Incoming emails, unless specifically requested by the Clinic, will not be responded to.
Voicemail is intended for Dental patients only. Medical patients are to use the website.
If not comfortable proceeding with remote care
We understand that many individuals are not comfortable proceeding remotely and are encouraged to follow up with their Primary Care Provider as needed.
Valid Health Card
A Valid Health Card is required for all appointments with the Physician. It is the Patient/Guardian's responsibility to provide the clinic with new Version Codes and Expiry Dates upon receipt (can submit at rouhani.ca). Failure to provide the required valid health card information may result in being billed for appointments conducted without the valid health card information on file.